What is CareerJet Job Lister?

free php script to integrate CareerJet

CareerJet Job Lister is a responsive (mobile-friendly) and easy to install PHP script, which allows you to create a basic job site or display jobs on your website provided by CareerJet.
It doesn't use any database and no installation is required - it's necessary download the files and include a single line of php code in your site or php file to show jobs by category or latest CareerJet jobs.
The script may be also very useful as a base for web developers looking to integrate the CareerJet API and show CareerJet jobs on their website.

It's easy to integrate & responsive (Bootstrap 3.0)

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Using Bootstrap 3.0, CareerJet Job Lister is responsive and mobile friendly - making perfect in adding it in bootstrap or other responsive websites.
CareerJet Job Lister is not using any MySQL or other type of database and no setup is required. To integrate it, you just need to download the files, copy them on your site (they are in a separate folder to avoid conflict with other files you may have) and include a single line of php code or add an iframe. Check out our Help & FAQ page for more information on the usage and the different settings.


Check also our advanced multi-user jobs portal software - ATN Jobs

responsive php jobs script