The home page shows a section with the featured events, a search form allowing to search by keyword, location and event category, the latest event listings and also a section allowing to browse the events by location, organizing company and event category.
Browse the events
The users can browse the events by location, category and event organizing company. The locations and categories can be changed easily by the administrator from the administration panel.
Search results
The search results show the event listings with their brief description, company information and others. It also has functionality to filter the event results by location or category.
Listing details
The final result (listing details) shows the full information for the event and the organizing company. Depending on the option selected by the advertiser, the users can register for the event or buy tickets for it.
Browse the event organizing companies
This page on the website allows the users to browse the registered companies on the website, see their information, their latest events, write reviews for them and others.
Buying tickets
When selling tickets, the event organizer can choose to create a seat map and let the users reserve their seat (row and number) or create ticket groups and let the users choose the ticket group they prefer.
Reserving seats using the seat map
The users can click on the seats they wish to reserve, add the tickets to their cart and pay them and then find and print the tickets from their admin panel.
Registering for an event
If the event organizing company chooses to accept registrations for the event, then the registered users on the website can register for the event by clicking on the corresponding button on the event listing details page. If the user still doesn't have an account, he will see a form allowing him to register. The personal information like first name, last name etc. is taken automatically from the users account and made available to the event organizing company when an user registers for a new event.
Company details page
On the company details page, the users can read more information about the company, see its address and phone, video presentation and also have access to tabs allowing to see the company events, a contact form and a tab to write a review for the company.
Write review and rate an event organizing company
The users can rate and write reviews for the event organizing companies. Based on the reviews and the rating, the corresponding number of stars will show up near the company name on the company details pages.
The main website log in form
The users can log in with their registered email address and password or log in with their Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account (if activated by the administrator from the main administration panel).
Home page of the advertisers admin panel
On the home page of their admin panel, the advertisers / event organizing companies can see shortcuts to the main pages of the admin panel, quick statistics information a list of their latest published events.
Posting a new event listing
When posting a new event listing on the website, the users can enter the event title and description, choose the event location and add a map to their listing, enter the address and the event start / end time, upload images and choose if the listing should be an announcement only or tickets should be sold or registrations will be accepted.
Manage the event listings in the advertisers admin panel
The users can manage and edit the information and settings for their previously added event listings.
Adding tickets and ticket pricing groups
The event organizer can create different ticket pricing groups corresponding to different seats or offering different features and having different prices.
Editing the seat map for an event
If a seat map is selected to be used for an event listing, then the user can create the map by using letters corresponding to the ticket groups added previously.