atn multi restaurants front-end multi restaurants php script

ATN Multi Restaurants Front-End

The restaurant marketplace website's home page contains a search form offering restaurant searching by name, food type, restaurant description, and location, plus links to the main web pages and language selections , registration, login and see the shopping cart content. Below the search form, users can find the most recently added restaurant listings, links for browsing restaurants by location, a form for signing up for the newsletter, and a bottom navigation menu with links to the website pages, our latest news and links to our social pages. The restaurant marketplace website colors and design can be customized from the admin panel, so the default brown colors can be changed with blue, green or whatever colors the administrator prefers and also to change the different settings like locations, restaurant types, food categories, currency, time zone, website languages and others.

restaurants search result multi restaurants php script

Restaurants Search Result

On the restaurants search results page, users can view a list of the restaurants that match their search criteria, and also filter their results by name, location, rating, and type of restaurant.

restaurant details page multi restaurants php script

Restaurant Details Page

On the restaurant details page, users can view the restaurant's gallery, name, description, and also buttons to book a table online, order food online, and read or write a review if the restaurant owner has enabled these options from his admin panel.

ordering food online multi restaurants php script

Ordering food online

The users can browse the listed items by category or search the products, as well as filter the results by price, type of food or keyword. When seeing the search result pages, they can either directly add the products to their cart or click on the product image or title to see the full product details page.

product details page multi restaurants php script

Product Details Page

On the product detail page for restaurants selling food online, you can see photos, name, description, reviews, and buttons to add the item to your cart.

booking a table at selected restaurant multi restaurants php script

Booking a table at selected restaurant

Restaurants can see and confirm the reservations in their admin panel or they can disallow this functionality if they don't accept the booking. Customers can enter personal information, select a date, and add remarks or other information.

writing a review for a restaurant multi restaurants php script

Writing a review for a restaurant

Restaurants can be rated from 1 to 5 and reviews can be written based on the experience of the customers. The results will then be sorted and ordered by their score and reviews.

ordering food from different restaurants multi restaurants php script

Ordering food from different restaurants

When ordering food from different restaurants, the customer sees separately in his cart the items offered by every restaurant, so he can check out separately and complete his order / make a payment to the selected restaurant.

checking out multi restaurants php script

Checking out

When checking out, the customer is asked to log in with his account or if he still doesn't have an account, he can use the registration form on the check out page.

confirming shipping address multi restaurants php script

Confirming shipping address

When checking out, the customer can choose the order to be shipped to his default address saved in the profile or enter a different shipping address.

new restaurant registration multi restaurants php script

New restaurant registration

When restaurant owners register, they can select a listing package - the administrator can create different packages from the admin panel offering different pricing and features like the possibility to offer food online, accept table bookings and number of bookings per month, featured status of the restaurant and others.

restaurant owner admin panel dashboard multi restaurants php script

Restaurant Owner Admin Panel Dashboard

On the dashboard, the restaurant owner can see his latest orders, received messages and also shortcuts to the main pages in the administration panel. The shortcuts can be customized - the user can create his own prefered links, as well as customize the design of his admin panel by changing the colors, background, preferred font and others.

customizing the colors and sections in the restaurant admin panel multi restaurants php script

Customizing the colors and sections in the restaurant admin panel

From the Customize Your Admin Panel page, the restaurant owner can choose which sections to include on his dashboard and also change the accent color, background image and preferred font family to be used when displaying the texts.

changing the shortcuts in the admin panel multi restaurants php script

Changing the shortcuts in the admin panel

The user has the possibility to create up to 8 custom shortcuts on his dashboard linking to pages in the restaurant admin panel.

restaurant description and settings page multi restaurants php script

Restaurant description and settings page

On the restaurant description and settings page in the admin panel, the restaurant owner can edit his restaurant name, address, description and contact details and also enable or disable the online food ordering and table bookings.

restaurant gallery multi restaurants php script

Restaurant Gallery

On this page the user has the possibility to upload, edit or change the order of the photos that will be shown in the restaurant gallery section on the main site.

restaurant facilities multi restaurants php script

Restaurant Facilities

The restaurant owner can select the facilities available in his restaurant from the predefined list entered by the administrator or add his own custom facilities.

managing the table types multi restaurants php script

Managing the table types

The functionality of adding and editing the available table types in the restaurant is linked to the online table booking - the restaurant owner can list the available types like table for 2, table for 4 etc. and let the users choose their preferred table type when making a booking.

setting the shipping locations multi restaurants php script

Setting the shipping locations

The page allows to select the locations to which the restaurant owner is able to ship food for online orders. The default list of available locations can be managed by the administrator from the main administration panel.

menu items management in the admin panel multi restaurants php script

Menu items management in the admin panel

On this page the restaurant owner can add the items in his menu, set the pricing for online shipping and edit the existing items.

adding custom product categories multi restaurants php script

Adding custom product categories

Except for the global food categories set by the administrator (like Chinese, Italian etc.) the restaurant owner is able to add his own custom categories and description corresponding to the food offered in the restaurant.

product reviews multi restaurants php script

Product reviews

The page allows the restaurant owner to see the reviews posted for his products in the restaurant menu.

creating quantity discounts multi restaurants php script

Creating quantity discounts

The quantity discounts functionality allows them to offer discounts and better prices to customers ordering more items from the same product. The discount can be set in percentage or fixed price depending on the number of items purchased.

checking the order details multi restaurants php script

Checking the order details

The restaurant owner can the order details including the products to be shipped, customer contact details and shipping address.

adding coupon codes multi restaurants php script

Adding coupon codes

The restaurant owner can create different coupon codes offering discounts for online orders on the website.

restaurant payment settings multi restaurants php script

Restaurant payment settings

The Payment Settings page in the restaurant owner admin panel allows configuring the accepted payment options for online orders, for example entering the registered PayPal email address will activate the PayPal payments on the restaurant page.

earned points by customers multi restaurants php script

Earned points by customers

When the restaurant owner has activated the customer loyalty program functionality for his restaurant, on this page he can see the points earned by the customers when placing orders on the restaurant's page.

managing the restaurant microsite page multi restaurants php script

Managing the restaurant microsite page

Every restaurant owner gets by default a microsite for his restaurant and he is able to add on it the pages he prefers, as well as edit their content, create sub menus for the pages, edit their meta tags and others.

setting the microsite template and colors multi restaurants php script

Setting the microsite template and colors

The users can change the design of their restaurant microsite easily by clicking on the new template thumbnail. They also have the possibility to customize the site colors by selecting a color from a predefined list or by entering their custom color code and also change the background of the micro-site.

posting news on the restaurant's page multi restaurants php script

Posting news on the restaurant's page

This functionality and page allows the restaurant owners to post and edit the news on their microsite, that will show after on the News page on it.

checking the table bookings multi restaurants php script

Checking the table bookings

If the table booking functionality is enabled, this page allows to see the new table bookings made by the customers and their contact details or special requests.

table booking statistics multi restaurants php script

Table booking statistics

The pages shows quick statistics details about the number of table bookings made for the different days,

dashboard of the main administration panel multi restaurants php script

Dashboard of the main administration panel

The main administration panel allows the website administrator to manage the registered restaurants, see statistics, manage the site pages and content, customize the different website settings and others.

managing the registered restaurants multi restaurants php script

Managing the registered restaurants

On this page the administrator can see the list of the registered restaurants on the site with their restaurant / company name, selected subscription, contact email and featured status. It also has links allowing to edit the saved information for the different restaurants.

setting the restaurant subscriptions multi restaurants php script

Setting the restaurant subscriptions

The restaurant subscriptions page allows the administrator to create different subscriptions / listing packages that users need to select when registering. The different subscriptions can offer different pricing to the users and also different features like the possibility to sell food online, the number of table bookings they can accept, featured status of the restaurant and others.

moderating the restaurant menu items multi restaurants php script

Moderating the restaurant menu items

On this page the administrator can see the menu items / products added by the restaurant and edit or delete any of them if needed.

setting the main categories multi restaurants php script

Setting the main categories

The main restaurant / food categories can be changed easily by pasting and saving the new list on the Categories page in the main administration panel.

moderating the restaurant facilities multi restaurants php script

Moderating the restaurant facilities

The page allows to see the custom facilities the users have listed for their restaurants and delete / edit them if necessary.

editing the restaurant photo galleries multi restaurants php script

Editing the restaurant photo galleries

Every restaurant owner can create a photo gallery for the restaurant by uploading multiple photos - the page allows the administrator to see these photos and moderate / delete them.

setting the default facilities list multi restaurants php script

Setting the default facilities list

The default facilities functionality allows the administrator to create a list of default facilities that restaurant owners can select (if available in the restaurant) and that will show on the restaurant details page.

registered customers multi restaurants php script

Registered customers

The registered customers page shows information about the users who placed orders on the different restaurant sites. The users can register with his details once and then use his profile to place orders on all restaurant pages.

editing the site pages multi restaurants php script

Editing the site pages

The page offers functionality to edit the existing pages of the main site, se the page meta tags, deactivate or activate pages and others.

posting news on the main site multi restaurants php script

Posting news on the main site

The administrator can use this page to post and edit the news that will show in the Latest News section of the main site, as well as the News page in the main menu.

adding google advertisements or analytics multi restaurants php script

Adding Google advertisements or analytics

This page offers functionality to post advertisements from other systems on the website like Google Analytics or similar or also to paste a web visit tracking code

configuration options multi restaurants php script

Configuration Options

The configuration options allows to change the main website settings like the date format, social media pages, system email addresses and others.

editing website locations multi restaurants php script

Editing website locations

The website locations can be changed easily by pasting a new list on the Locations page and saving them. Please note that we also have ready location lists for almost all countries in the world that we can provide for free on request - please don't hesitate to contact us for details.

payment settings multi restaurants php script

Payment Settings

The payment settings page allows the administrator to configure the accepted payment options on the main site to charge the restaurant owners and also to change the website currency settings.

adding language versions multi restaurants php script

Adding language versions

ATN Multi Restaurants is multi-language - new languages can be added by uploading the corresponding language file and also the Language Versions page in the admin panel.

editing the interface texts and words multi restaurants php script

Editing the interface texts and words

The Texts and Words page in the admin panel makes it easy to edit the texts and messages showing on the user interface.

changing the website colors multi restaurants php script

Changing the website colors

The default website colors can be changed as easily as clicking on the new desired color or by entering a new custom color and saving it.

custom html tags multi restaurants php script

Custom html tags

The custom html tags functionality allows to extend the default script functionality by creating html tags and custom PHP files for them (the PHP files with the custom code are executed and their output replaces the tags in the template).

adding frequently asked questions multi restaurants php script

Adding frequently asked questions

The frequently asked questions functionality allows the administrator to add frequently asked questions and their answers that will show after on the FAQ page of the main site.

sending newsletter to the registered users multi restaurants php script

Sending newsletter to the registered users

The newsletter functionality in the administration panel can be used to send newsletter to the registered restaurant owners, restaurant customers or all the website users.

adding new administrators multi restaurants php script

Adding new administrators

The main website administrator can add additional administrator users and set their permissions for the website pages, so for example there could be administrators responsible and having access just to the restaurants management, others just for news publishing etc.

setting the admin panel permissions multi restaurants php script

Setting the admin panel permissions

To grant permissions for a selected page to an administrator user, it's necessary to check the check box of the page and save the new settings.